
Tatchell attacks prosecution as a waste of public money

Gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell has condemned his prosecution over OutRage!’s Canterbury Cathedral protest as “a violation of the right to peaceful protest and an extravagant waste of police and court resources, which has already cost Canterbury taxpayers thousands of pounds”. “This money would be better spent on health and education, or on fighting serious Tatchell attacks prosecution as a waste of public money

New Dark Ages: The Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism in Britain

Peter Tatchell documents the global threat of Islamic Fundamentalism The New Dark Ages are already with us. For hundreds of millions of people in parts of the Middle-East, Africa and South-East Asia, the ascendancy of Islamic fundamentalism has ushered in an era of religious obscurantism and intolerance. The liberal, compassionate wing of Islam –although it New Dark Ages: The Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism in Britain

Catholic Homophobia

by Peter Tatchell In November 1992, after 359 years, the Catholic Church finally admitted it was wrong to condemn Galileo as a heretic for arguing that the Earth was not the centre of the universe. How many centuries will it take before the Vatican acknowledges the equally historic wrong it has perpetrated against lesbians and Catholic Homophobia

Muslim fundamentalists threaten to kill gay activist

Islamophobia conference ends in violent uproar Islamic fundamentalists tried to beat up a gay man and threatened to kill him at a London conference on “Islamophobia”, designed to promote understanding and tolerance of Muslim values, and attended by Muslim, Jewish and Christian leaders. The conference declaration claimed that “Islam is wrongly and unjustly portrayed as Muslim fundamentalists threaten to kill gay activist

Was Jesus Gay?

Missing Fragments from St. Mark’s Gospel Most people claim it would not affect their religious beliefs if historians discovered that Jesus was gay, according to a phone poll on London’s Talk Radio on Sunday 14 December. Fifty-one percent said revelations of Christ’s homosexuality would not affect their religious belief; 49 percent said it would. The Was Jesus Gay?

Gays in Silent Protest at Southwark Cathedral

60 Bishops Challenged over Anglican Homophobia Seven members of the gay rights group OutRage! staged a silent protest “against Anglican support for antigay discrimination” during Morning Eucharist at Southwark Cathedral today at 11 a.m.. The protest was directed at 60 leading Anglican primates from around the world, who were attending the service whilst in London Gays in Silent Protest at Southwark Cathedral

Gays invade Lambeth Palace

Archbishop Carey and 16 Bishops Confronted Ten members of OutRage! scaled the walls of Lambeth Palace today at noon, confronting Archbishop George Carey and sixteen leading Anglican primates from around the world who were meeting at the Palace to plan the 1998 Lambeth Conference. Brandishing placards with the words “STOP CRUCIFYING QUEERS”, they were protesting Gays invade Lambeth Palace