Year: 2000

GLF Memorial Plaque to be Unveiled

12 noon on Saturday, 25th November 2000 Junction of Highbury Corner and Highbury Place, London N1 Invited guests include the Culture Secretary Chris Smith MP, local MP Jeremy Corbyn, the Mayor of Islington, and veterans from the Gay Liberation Front (GLF). The solid bronze, triangular-shaped plaque commemorates the 30th anniversary of the first-ever gay rights GLF Memorial Plaque to be Unveiled

Home Office Sex Offences Review Inadequate

ALL CONSENSUAL OFFENCES SHOULD BE REPEALED “The Home Office Sex Offences reform proposals do not go far enough”, according to Peter Tatchell of OutRage!. “All consenting, victimless sexual offences –homosexual and heterosexual– should be abolished, including the criminalisation of consensual adult pornography and sadomasochism. “The law on the age of consent should take into account Home Office Sex Offences Review Inadequate

Leicester Unity overcomes neonazis

[flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157624059210426″] Following threats by Leicester’s small but vocal branch of the National Front and other neonazis (including Clive Potter of the British National Party) of violent disruptions at Leicester’s first Pride March, Leicester City Council posted discrete warnings at the entrance to Abbey Park where the march terminated: though they did not advertise Leicester Unity overcomes neonazis

BBC Sponsor Singer who says: Kill Gays!

Buju Banton heads BBC London Live Music Festival BBC Radio London Live (formerly GLR) is the main sponsor of Buju Banton’s performance at the Festival of Peace and Love in London today, Sunday, 23rd July, 2000. The festival at Three Mills Island in east London, being held to celebrate Jamaican culture and the life of BBC Sponsor Singer who says: Kill Gays!

London Pride 2000

Pictures of this year’s L/G/B/T Pride March in London.

Outcast’s Printers Intimidated

The latest edition of Outcast, a small but well-respected gay magazine, has had to be cancelled because the company that usually prints it say their staff have been intimidated and fear reprisal attacks if they go ahead with the printing. The February edition of Outcast contained an editorial and a half-page article detailing irregularities in Outcast’s Printers Intimidated

Terry Connell – A tribute

Terry Connell, 57, died from a heart attack on Saturday, 25th March: just hours after being discharged from hospital after having suffered another heart attack a week earlier. Terry was the driving member of the Bolton Seven, who championed the cause of gay equality when they were prosecuted under the U.K.’s discriminatory sex laws. His Terry Connell – A tribute

DfEE Sex Education Guidelines

The Government’s new guidelines on teaching sex education are being criticised by OutRage! as “weak and insufficiently inclusive”. The guidance to teachers is set out in an amendment to the Learning and Skills Bill. It gives prominence to teaching about “marriage and permanent relationships”. “The guidelines are not inclusive enough. They do not oblige schools DfEE Sex Education Guidelines