Year: 2006

Pink News: Caribbean gays reject Beenie Man

C-FLAG’s objections are endorsed by the UK-based gay human rights group OutRage!, which has long worked in solidarity with the Caribbean lesbian and gay rights movement. “We support C-FLAG’s campaign,” said David Allison of OutRage! “Beenie Man is an unreconstructed homophobe. He has never expressed a word of regret for his lyrics advocating the murder Pink News: Caribbean gays reject Beenie Man

Same-sex Marriage challenge

Sue Wilkinson and Celia Kitzinger had their legal application dismissed by the High Court. They had applied to have their Canadian marriage recognised in the UK. London, 31 July 2006. © OutRage! 1990-2010. You are free to use this photo to illustrate news stories and articles about OutRage!, the lesbian and gay human rights group, Same-sex Marriage challenge

Iran meeting at House of Commons

London – 19 July 2006: Public meeting at the House of Commons to mark the first anniversary of Iran’s hanging of two gay teenagers, Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni, in the city of Mashhad on 19 July 2005. © OutRage! 1990-2010. You are free to use this photo to illustrate news stories and articles about Iran meeting at House of Commons

EuroPride 2006

Peter Tatchell mocks the Pope’s homophobia at EuroPride, London, 1 July 2006. [Photo: Andy Harley, UK Gay News]

Iran Hangings

Hanging of gay teens in Mashad, Iran, 19 July 2005.  

Metro: Batwoman gets a gay makeover

But gay and lesbian campaign group Outrage says making Batwoman a lesbian is more about pandering to the fantasies of adult male readers than diversity. Spokesman David Allison said: ‘Most pre-adolescent children neither know nor care about the sexuality of their comic book heroes. And it is well known that lots of men get turned Metro: Batwoman gets a gay makeover

IDAHO – Asylum Protest

International Day Against Homophobia, 17 May 2006, Home Office, London, UK. “Stop Deporting Gay Refugees – Gay asylum seekers are victims, not criminals” – Protest against Home Office refusal to grant asylum to people fleeing homophobic persecution. © OutRage! 1990-2010. You are free to use this photo to illustrate news stories and articles about OutRage!, IDAHO – Asylum Protest

Free Expression Rally

March for Free Expression – London, 24 March 2006 © OutRage! 1990-2010. You are free to use this photo to illustrate news stories and articles about OutRage!, the lesbian and gay human rights group, with credit to the group and photographer. For all other uses, please inquire. Photos: Brett Lock, OutRage!