Queer the Vote, Stop the BNP

Neo-Nazis threaten gay, black, Jewish and Muslim people

Big queer vote urged to block the election of BNP candidates

London – 17 April 2007

“Queer the vote and stop the BNP”. This is the message of gay human rights group OutRage! ahead of the 3 May elections for local councils and for the Scottish and Welsh assemblies.

“Lesbians and gay men can help block the election of candidates from the racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim and homophobic British National Party (BNP). Make sure you and your straight friends vote on 3 May,” said Peter Tatchell of OutRage!

“A high turnout will reduce the BNP’s share of the vote and lessen its chances of winning seats,” he said.

“We urge queer voters to quiz their local candidates on gay issues and to vote for those with the most homo-friendly policies.

“With one-in-ten voters being lesbian, gay or bisexual, the pink vote can influence the election result in many marginal constituencies.

“It is important we elect more pro-gay politicians, to help us secure stronger policies to tackle homophobic bullying and hate crimes,” said Mr Tatchell.

The BNP is fielding a record 655 candidates in the local elections next month; claiming it is on target to win up to 100 new seats – double its current total.

As well as the party’s long history of homophobia, BNP activists also stand accused racism, anti-Semitism, holocaust denial and Islamophobia. A disturbing number of past and present BNP members have criminal convictions for violence – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_National_Party

Although the BNP has publicly ditched some of its most extreme and bigoted policies, many critics believe this make-over is just an astute public relations exercise designed to con people were put off by its neo-Nazi image. They say the BNP hasn’t changed at all; it has just got more professional and media savvy.

The BNP fought previous general elections on a pledge to outlaw homosexuality. It has described Aids as “nature taking revenge” on gay men.

The party’s website claims that: “Sexually-transmitted diseases are no joke. Thanks to them, the average life-expectancy of a gay man is now 40, compared to 71 for all men” – http://www.bnp.org.uk/articles/traditional_values.html

Claiming that the “gay rights lobby target school children,” the BNP has opposed gay equality reforms like the repeal of Section 28 and the abolition of the unequal age of consent. It has also condemned and ridiculed LGBT History Month – http://www.bnp.org.uk/articles/lgbt_month.htm

Soon after the neo-Nazi bombing of a gay bar in Soho, London, in 1999, which killed three people and maimed dozens more, BNP leader Nick Griffin seemed to excuse and endorse the homophobic hatred that inspired the terrorist atrocity. He attacked lesbian and gay people for “flaunting their perversion” and said this showed why “so many ordinary people find these creatures so repulsive”.
Source: Stranger things have happened, Nick Griffin, Spearhead (BNP magazine), June 1999.

Griffin has also denounced homosexuality as “form of behavioural deviancy” and “not a valid lifestyle choice”. He claims the BNP speaks for “the majority of the population” who, he says, believe “homosexuality is wrong” and that it “needs to be pushed humanely but firmly back into the closet”. Griffin warns that if gays continue to “press their aims further” there will be an “almighty backlash” which will result in the imprisonment of all homosexuals.
Source: Putting the record straight, Nick Griffin, Identity (BNP Magazine), December 2003.

Griffin is not alone. Mark Collett, former chairman of the Young BNP, described homosexuals as “AIDS Monkeys”, “bum bandits” and “faggots” and said the idea of homosexuality was a “sickening thought” – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_National_Party

There are fears the BNP could make gains in Scotland and Wales in the 3 May elections.

“Recent election results indicate the BNP could make an electoral breakthrough,” added Brett Lock of OutRage!

“Under the proportional representation voting system for the Scottish and Welsh elections minor parties like the BNP can win seats.

“There is a possibility that the BNP may, for the first time, secure representation in the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly”.

“The BNP is attempting to copy the success of other European far right and neo-Nazi parties, such as the Front National in France, the Vlaams Blok in Belgium and the National Democratic Party in Germany.

“The BNP is a racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic party. It has previously threatened to jail queers and bring back Section 28,” said Mr Lock.

Typical homophobic propaganda from the BNP website:

Why traditional values on sex are better

Alan Goodacre says it’s time someone was honest about the failings of the sexual revolution.

 Thankfully, despite the Blair regime’s attempts to shove homosexuality down our throats by means of sex-ed, we do not yet live in a country where sexual matters are regulated by the state, as in the novel Brave New World.   So there is an understandable temptation to simply ignore such matters in the name of individual freedom.   But unfortunately, sexual mores, and the encouragement or discouragement government gives to them, deal with the social relations of human beings with one another, and have immense consequences for society, so they cannot be ignored.

Although the BNP is not a “puritan” party, it nonetheless recognizes that something has gone horribly wrong with the sexual revolution and believes that, insofar as state policy does touch on sexual matters, it should centre on repairing the damage of that revolution, not worsening it.   Because the sexual revolution has helped create the social chaos that we must overcome if we are to move to a true national renaissance, we must at least get clear in our minds what is wrong, even if the resources of government are – and rightly – limited in dealing with it.

Before one can intelligently discuss sexual policy, one must dispell the great myth of our age. People often ask, “why can’t we just say that anything consenting adults do is OK?”  Well, it’s not OK because it has a long list of negative consequences:

1. Sexually-transmitted diseases are no joke.  Thanks to them, the average life-expectancy of a gay man is now 40, compared to 71 for all men.  Something like 20% of British women aged 25-30 are sterile because of STDs.

2. Making “consenting adults” the standard means polygamy, bestiality, prostitution and God-knows-what-else must be accepted, in the long run.  One cannot endorse an idea that leads logically to this conclusion and expect that conclusion not to be reached when lust, money, and liberalism will be straining to reach it.  So unless we want brothels to be as common and as public as Tesco, there have to be some limits.

Some people suggest that such things are acceptable in private but not in public, but this solution will not work. It is unrealistic to expect that we can accept such things in private but condemn them in public, because allowing people to do these things in private results in the formation of interest groups that will then demand public acceptance.  And if people get used to seeing such things in private, the shock of seeing them in public will wear off and they will cease to care.

3. Tolerating “anything between consenting adults” will not lead to a libertarian paradise, but:

a. For the underclass, it will produce a wasteland of broken homes, fatherless children, and mindless couplings.  See Theodore Dalrymple’s Life at the Bottom:

b. For everyone else, it will produce an emotionally cruel social order which provides superficial pleasures for the rich and the pretty at the expense of misery for everyone else.   It will culturally and socially disenfranchise the old and push the young into premature maturity.

c. It will cause young people to waste their 20’s chasing short-term flings rather than getting married, and when they finally figure out that this is a recipe for unfulfilled lives and continual heartbreak, they’ll be in their early 30’s and half of them will not be able to establish stable households before female fertility declines.

4. A sexual order whose central concept is “consenting adults” will by definition be very selfish towards persons who are not adults, i.e. children.  The easy availability of extra-marital sex encourages divorce and makes the children of the partner’s previous marriages or cohabitations into nuisances.  It will result in a ruthlessly adult-centric social order in which children are degraded, ignored, and not raised properly.

 5. Making “consenting adults” the rule undermines social cohesion by making everyone into a sexual competitor to everyone else.  The most ordinary recreational or civic organizations will suffer and the whole tone of life poisoned.  Furthermore, because this makes innocent flirting not so innocent, it actually produces a de-eroticized culture with the coldness of Dangerous Liaisons.

6. Accepting the sexual revolution means conceding that traditional British culture was as stupid as Tony Blair thinks it is.  It means admitting the left was correct.  It means giving up one of the best cultural sticks we have to beat the liberal establishment with.  And accepting polygamy means giving up one of the best politically-correct cultural sticks we have to beat Islam with.

7. A certain sexual self-restraint has long been part of the culture of Britain and was, in my view, a source of national greatness as male sexual energy was channelled into other pursuits and female sexual energy into the family.  Can it really be an accident that our zenith of national greatness coincided with Victorian sexual restraint, and that Rome’s decline set in just about the time orgies became fashionable?

So while we should certainly disavow any attempt to introduce a sexual police-state, we should not give positive moral endorsement to avoidable vices.   Lots of people are quietly fed up with the sexual revolution and would appreciate someone being honest about its shortcomings. 

End of the BNP website article