
Queer the Vote, Stop the BNP

Neo-Nazis threaten gay, black, Jewish and Muslim people Big queer vote urged to block the election of BNP candidates London – 17 April 2007 “Queer the vote and stop the BNP”. This is the message of gay human rights group OutRage! ahead of the 3 May elections for local councils and for the Scottish and Queer the Vote, Stop the BNP

Leicester Unity overcomes neonazis

[flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157624059210426″] Following threats by Leicester’s small but vocal branch of the National Front and other neonazis (including Clive Potter of the British National Party) of violent disruptions at Leicester’s first Pride March, Leicester City Council posted discrete warnings at the entrance to Abbey Park where the march terminated: though they did not advertise Leicester Unity overcomes neonazis

BBC urged to scrap BNP broadcast

BBC urged to scrap BNP broadcast , 21-May-1999 ©1999 John Hunt/OutRage! London OutRage! activists joined protests on Friday, 21st May against the BBC over its decision to give air-time to the neonazi British National Party. Just hours before the BNP’s European election manifesto was due to be transmitted on Friday, 21st May 1999, OutRage! picketed BBC urged to scrap BNP broadcast