Pride March in London 1999
Pride March, London, 1999 , 3-July-1999 ©1999 John Hunt/OutRage! London This picture may be copied in the cause of furthering our aims, provided that the source is acknowledged.
Pride March, London, 1999 , 3-July-1999 ©1999 John Hunt/OutRage! London This picture may be copied in the cause of furthering our aims, provided that the source is acknowledged.
“The Labour Party is concerned with grave realities, not with picturesque fairy tales. … Practical men and women will consider, not fables regarding tomorrow, but the facts of today. … They will judge the present Government, as governments should be judged, not by its words, but by its deeds — by its achievements, its … Pride March: Pinocchio Blair – Labour’s broken promises
“Under Jack Straw’s flawed legislation, the Government and police will have discretionary power to withhold information on human rights abuses,” said OutRage! spokesman Peter Tatchell. “The bungled police investigation into the still unsolved queer-bashing murder of gay actor Michael Boothe in 1990 will probably remain shrouded in official secrecy; as will the recent homophobic harassment … OutRage! supports the Guardian’s ‘Freedom of Information’ Campaign
Annotated reply from the Home Office to OutRage!’s letter to the Home Secretary, Jack Straw, following the bombing of the ‘Admiral Duncan’ pub. Home Office, Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1H 9AT. 23rd June, 1999. Thank you for your letter of 3 May following the Soho bombing. I apologise for the delay in sending this reply … Letter from Home Office on Government Action after Soho bombing
PETER TATCHELL looks at the effect of the Balkan bloodbath on the lives of queers in Serbia and Kosovo. This article appeared under the title “Queer Serbia! Queer Kosovo!” in “QX Magazine”, 26-May-1999. Imagine being cruised by the guy of your dreams and going back to his place to shag senseless. Just as you are … Yugoslavia – Homophobia as a Weapon of War
Annotated response from DfEE to OutRage!’s letter to David Blunkett after the Soho bombing, pregnant with promise, but with unstated gestation. Department for Education and Employment, Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street, Westminster, London. SW1P 3BT 6th July, 1999. Thank you for your letter of 25 May addressed to the Secretary of State for Education and … Letter from Department for Education and Employment
Peter Tatchell celebrates the OutRage! art of activism, where style and symbolism are used to empower the struggle for queer emancipation Making A Scene: Performing Culture Into Politics, Henry Rogers and David Burrows (Editors), ARTicle Press in association with the IKON Gallery, Birmingham, 2000 In this chapter from Making A Scene, Peter Tatchell explains how … Protest as Performance
Anti-fascist, soldier, prisoner of war, advocate of peace and reconciliation, and gay rights pioneer. Dudley Cave was many things, but one word sums up his life: humanitarian. Cave’s early career with Odeon cinemas was interrupted by World War Two. Initially inclined to register as a conscientious objector, revelations aboot the horrors of Hitlerism changed his … In Memoriam: Dudley Cave
Lesbian and gay electors are being urged to “Queer The Vote” in the European elections, on Thursday, 10th June 1999. The call comes from OutRage!, who are urging gay people to vote against parties that support homophobic discrimination, and in favour of those that promote equality. “The parties should judged by their actions, not their … Queer the Vote for Europe – Elections on 10th June
The Rt. Hon. David Blunkett, MP, Secretary of State for Education and Employment. 25th May, 1999. Dear Mr. Blunkett, Promoting Lesbian and Gay Equality of Opportunity in Schools Following the sickening London bombings in April which targeted minority groups, OutRage! has been encouraged by some of the reported pronouncements by Tony Blair and Jack Straw … Letter to David Blunkett – Call to encourage LGBT teachers to come out