National offensive for LGBT rights gains momentum

A joint campaign for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender human rights

Over 40 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered organisations are now pledged to join the new Equality Standing Forum in the fight for human rights.

The groups are deeply concerned that the campaign for equality is being stalled by recent set-backs in the British and European courts, and by the unwillingness of the new Labour Government to repeal discriminatory laws. Two recent examples are the failed case of Lisa Grant and the prosecution of the Bolton 7.

The new Forum is drawing strong support from the community as it unites both small and large organisations from every corner of the British Isles.

The organisations will meet to plan the launch of a national offensive for gay rights on Saturday, 4th April, 1:30 p.m. at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, WC1, (Holborn tube).

The meeting will formulate campaigning priorities, strategies and methods, in order to maximise the pressure on the Labour Govemment to deliver homosexual human rights.

The new Forum’s objective is to give notice to the Government, all political parties, and all members of Parliament that the continuing denial of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender human rights is intolerable, and that we are no longer prepared to be treated as second-class citizens.

All local groups and campaigning organisations are invited to attend the Forum, strengthening the 40+ strong national network.

The following groups have now committed to the Forum:

  • CHE — Campaign for Homosexual Equality,
  • Coventry and Warwickshire Coalition,
  • DNA,
  • Eddie Surman Trust,
  • GALHA — Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association,
  • GMFA — Gay Men Fighting AIDS,
  • GUYZ,
  • Independent Democrats,
  • Inside Out,
  • Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights,
  • LAGER — Lesbian and Gay Employment Rights,
  • LAGPA,
  • LGCM — Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement,
  • Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Consortium,
  • Liberal Democrat Lesbian and Gay Action,
  • London Friend,
  • Midlands Publishing Group,
  • NUS LGB Campaign,
  • NUT — National Union of Teachers,
  • NIGRA — Northern Ireland Gay Rights Association,
  • OutRage!,
  • Outright Scotland,
  • PACE — Project for Advice, Counselling, and Education,
  • Pink Chalk,
  • Portsmouth NUS Lesbian and Gay Group,
  • Rank Outsiders,
  • Scottish Equality Network,
  • Silver March Group,
  • Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,
  • Socialist Party Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Group,
  • Stonewall Housing,
  • Stonewall Pensions,
  • Torche — Tory Campaign for Homosexual Equality,
  • Youthspeak;

The meeting will be attended by Lisa Grant and Jill Percey.

Thirteen additional organisations and charities are currently seeking a mandate from their respective committees to publicly release their involvement with the Forum after 4th April.