Law Reform

Same-sex Marriage challenge

Sue Wilkinson and Celia Kitzinger had their legal application dismissed by the High Court. They had applied to have their Canadian marriage recognised in the UK. London, 31 July 2006. © OutRage! 1990-2010. You are free to use this photo to illustrate news stories and articles about OutRage!, the lesbian and gay human rights group, Same-sex Marriage challenge

Home Office Sex Offences Review Inadequate

ALL CONSENSUAL OFFENCES SHOULD BE REPEALED “The Home Office Sex Offences reform proposals do not go far enough”, according to Peter Tatchell of OutRage!. “All consenting, victimless sexual offences –homosexual and heterosexual– should be abolished, including the criminalisation of consensual adult pornography and sadomasochism. “The law on the age of consent should take into account Home Office Sex Offences Review Inadequate

Age of Consent Bill Flawed

5 YEARS’ JAIL FOR TEACHERS IS CONDEMNED AS “DRACONIAN” Home Office says Consensual Gay Offenders must remain on Sex Register Teachers could be jailed for up to five years for consenting relationships with pupils, under the “abuse of trust” clause in the age of consent Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill. The abuse of trust clause is Age of Consent Bill Flawed

OutRage! sends Section 28 Proposals to Scotland’s Donald Dewar

REPEAL BILL MUST BE AMENDED Guidelines Needed to Reassure Anxious Parents OutRage! has written to Scotland’s First Minister, Donald Dewar, urging him to include in the Bill for the repeal of Section 28 legally-binding guidelines on the teaching of sexuality issues in schools. OutRage! says the guidelines are necessary to reassure anxious parents and refute OutRage! sends Section 28 Proposals to Scotland’s Donald Dewar

Government Lifts Military Ban – Call for Action to Combat Homophobia in the Military

Armed Forces urged to educate against prejudice and make homophobia a disciplinary offence The Government’s decision to lift the military ban on lesbians and gays is a welcome first step towards eradicating homophobia from the Armed Forces, according to OutRage!. But OutRage! warns that deeply entrenched homophobic attitudes will continue to force many gay people Government Lifts Military Ban – Call for Action to Combat Homophobia in the Military

Repeal of Section 28 “inadequate”

Schools must be legally required to combat homophobic bullying and to promote understanding and tolerance The new legislation to repeal Section 28 is being criticised by OutRage! as “inadequate”. “Scrapping Section 28 is no guarantee that teachers will challenge anti-gay prejudice and give adequate support to vulnerable lesbian and gay pupils”, said John Beeson of Repeal of Section 28 “inadequate”

OutRage! supports the Guardian’s ‘Freedom of Information’ Campaign

“Under Jack Straw’s flawed legislation, the Government and police will have discretionary power to withhold information on human rights abuses,” said OutRage! spokesman Peter Tatchell. “The bungled police investigation into the still unsolved queer-bashing murder of gay actor Michael Boothe in 1990 will probably remain shrouded in official secrecy; as will the recent homophobic harassment OutRage! supports the Guardian’s ‘Freedom of Information’ Campaign