Hate Crime

Freedom of speech must be defended, even for homophobes

CPS drop case against street preacher Charges withdrawn after Tatchell offers to testify for defence Home Secretary urged to issue new guidelines to police and CPS Arrest for anti-gay views is unjustified and heavy-handed The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has dropped all charges against homophobic Christian street preacher, Dale McAlpine, shortly after gay rights campaigner Freedom of speech must be defended, even for homophobes

Reply to Jack Straw

270 days after the April Bomb, and after 1000 days of inaction by New Labour, OutRage! publishes a 10-point reply sent to the Home Secretary, demanding progress. For the personal attention of: The Rt. Hon. Jack Straw, MP, Home Secretary. Copy: The Rt. Hon. Tony Blair, MP, 10, Downing Street. Copy: The Rt. Hon. Dr. Reply to Jack Straw

April Bombings: Vigil of Remembrance

Despite driving rain earlier in the afternoon, 1000 people of all races and sexualities thronged Old Compton Street at 6:30 on Friday, 7th May, for the Vigil commemorating the victims of the bomb one week earlier, and the victims of the two previous bombings in Brixton and Brick Lane. As well as an act of April Bombings: Vigil of Remembrance