Year: 1998

Carey hides from Gay Rights Protesters

The Archbishop of Canterbury has been accused of cowardice after he was smuggled by minders this morning (Monday, 20th July) into the opening session of the Lambeth Conference at the University of Kent by the back door, to avoid lesbian and gay rights protesters from OutRage! who were peacefully picketing the front entrance. “Carey was Carey hides from Gay Rights Protesters

Same-Sex Partners in the 2001 Census

Recording of same-sex partnerships in 1991 and 2001 Censuses Graham Jones, Director of Census Division, Office of National Statistics, Sedgenworth Road, Tichfield, Fareham. PO15 5RR Dear Mr. Jones, In the 1991 census, there were questions designed to establish the relationship between members of the household. The design of the form inadvertently allowed same-sex couples to Same-Sex Partners in the 2001 Census

Court refuses witness summons for Dr. Carey

On Friday, 12th June, Canterbury Magistrates Court refused to allow gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell to witness summons the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. George Carey. Mr. Tatchell condemned the decision as “unjust and unfair”. “I am being denied the right to call a witness who is crucial to my defence”, he said. “Dr. Carey’s evidence Court refuses witness summons for Dr. Carey

Government excludes gays from Human Rights and Crime & Disorder Bills

The Government has rejected proposals by OutRage! to amend the Human Rights Bill to ensure the antidiscrimination clause –Article 14– is interpreted by the courts to ban discrimination against lesbians and gays and people with HIV (and the elderly and disabled). It has also turned down OutRage!’s bid to amend the Crime and Disorder Bill Government excludes gays from Human Rights and Crime & Disorder Bills

Homophobic Response at London Oratory School

School Leafleted in Section 28 Protest Call to stop classroom censorship of gay issues London Oratory School stands accused of homophobia. Some teachers displayed hostile, fearful homophobic reactions when on arrival at school they were handed leaflets headlined “It’s OK to be GAY!” this morning (Wednesday, 20th May at 8:15 a.m.) by 14 members of Homophobic Response at London Oratory School