Marriage Equality

Stonewall gay marriage survey “flawed”

Marriage equality question buried in long list Question is headed civil partnerships, not gay marriage Survey method is “biased and unethical” “Despite being founded to secure gay equality, the gay lobby group Stonewall is refusing to campaign against the ban on gay civil marriage. It is not committed to full equal rights for lesbian and Stonewall gay marriage survey “flawed”

Stonewall undermines campaign for gay marriage

Ben Summerskill suggests marriage equality would cost too much Ben Summerskill, the chief executive of Britain’s main gay lobby group, Stonewall, has reportedly defended his organisation’s refusal to campaign for marriage equality. He was speaking at the Liberal Democrat party conference LGBT fringe meeting on Monday night, 20 September. Leading Lib Dems at the meeting Stonewall undermines campaign for gay marriage

Review gay marriage ban, government urged

Call for public consultation, appeal to Equalities Minister 61% of the public support same-sex civil marriage Equalities Minister, Lynne Featherstone MP, has been urged to initiate a government review and public consultation on the ban on gay civil marriage. The call came from OutRage! campaigner Peter Tatchell during a meeting with Ms Featherstone and other lesbian Review gay marriage ban, government urged

Daily Mail: Row over gay wedding ban at former home of Queen Mother

However gay rights group Outrage described the decision not to hold same sex civil ceremonies as ‘ridiculous’ given The Queen Mother’s well-known association with gay people – and claimed it appeared to be ‘illegal’ under sexual orientation discrimination. Outrage said The Queen Mother ‘would be spinning in her grave.’ ‘This seems even more ridiculous given Daily Mail: Row over gay wedding ban at former home of Queen Mother