Equal Love

Heterosexual couple denied equality

Civil partnership ban defied, but licence refused ‘Equal Love’ campaign opposes exclusion of straight couples A heterosexual couple, Tom Freeman and Katherine Doyle, were refused a civil partnership at Islington Register Office in London this morning, Tuesday, 9 November. The registrar cited the legal ban on opposite-sex civil partnerships as the reason for the refusal. Heterosexual couple denied equality

Heterosexual equality bid backed by OutRage!

Straight couple defy civil partnership ban Exclusion of opposite-sex couples challenged Tuesday 9 November 2010 10.15am Register Office Islington Town Hall Upper Street, London N1 2UD A heterosexual couple, Tom Freeman and Katherine Doyle, will challenge the ban on straight civil partnerships by filing an application at Islington Register Office in London this Tuesday, 9 Heterosexual equality bid backed by OutRage!

Gay marriage bid rejected

Lesbian couple will now take legal action: Gay marriage ban violates Human Rights Act, they say ‘Equal Love’ campaign seeks gay marriages & straight civil partnerships A lesbian couple’s application for a civil marriage licence was today refused by Greenwich register office in south-east London. Rev Sharon Ferguson (52) and her partner Franka Strietzel (49) Gay marriage bid rejected

Gay marriage bid by lesbian couple

New attempt to end sexual orientation discrimination ‘Equal Love’ campaign seeks gay marriages & straight civil partnerships 11.15am, Tuesday 2 November 2010 Greenwich Register Office Town Hall Wellington Street Woolwich, London SE18 6PW A lesbian couple, Rev Sharon Ferguson (52) and her partner Franka (49), will apply for a civil marriage licence, in a direct Gay marriage bid by lesbian couple

Stonewall finally supports marriage equality

Stonewall has finally decided it does support same-sex marriage after all. Peter Tatchell of OutRage! said: “This is good news, at last. Thanks to everyone who lobbied Stonewall to change its policy. “We are pleased that Stonewall has finally joined other LGBT organisations in seeking to overturn the homophobic ban on same-sex civil marriage. We Stonewall finally supports marriage equality

‘Equal Love’ Launch Press Briefing

Equal Love campaign launch — London 26 October 2010. OutRage! legal bid to overturn the twin bans on same-sex civil marriage and opposite-sex civil partnerships. Equality for all, gay and straight.

The Equal Love campaign

To find out more about OutRage!’s Equal Love campaign, visit www.equallove.org.uk

‘Equal Love’ campaign launched

Legal bid to end sexual orientation discrimination Britain’s new Equal Love campaign was launched today with a news conference in London. It aims to challenge the twin bans on gay marriages and heterosexual civil partnerships, with eight couples filing applications at register offices and then, when they are refused, bringing a joint legal action in ‘Equal Love’ campaign launched

Legal challenge to ban on gay marriage & straight civil partnerships

Gay couples will file applications for civil marriages Heterosexual couples will apply for civil partnerships Legal bid to end sexual orientation discrimination NEWS CONFERENCE Equal Love campaign 10.15am, Tuesday 26 October 2010 Halfway to Heaven pub, 7 Duncannon Street, London WC2N 4JF (off Trafalgar Square). See map here: This news conference will be chaired by Legal challenge to ban on gay marriage & straight civil partnerships